Expert Witness Services

Expert Witness Support Services

in Materials Science & Engineering

NEI Corporation offers comprehensive expert witness support in materials science and engineering for legal counsel representing both plaintiffs and defendants in litigation and intellectual property (IP) infringement cases. Our team comprises highly motivated scientists and engineers with advanced degrees (PhD or MS) from diverse technical fields like Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, and Materials Science and Engineering. This multidisciplinary approach empowers us to serve a broad range of industries, including coatings, energy storage (primary and secondary batteries, including Li-ion), and manufacturers of mechanical components for various sectors like machinery, automobiles, and construction.


NEI has a vast set of material characterization capabilities to assist attorneys in developing a strong litigation case.

Fields of Expertise

Fields of Expertise

NEI’s unique combination of expertise in manufacturing processes and materials characterization allows us to provide in-depth technical support for complex civil and criminal litigation cases.

Materials Characterization

  • Microscopy (including SEM)
  • Spectroscopy
  • Coating Adhesion
  • Abrasion Testing
  • Particle size, shape, and surface characteristics
  • Corrosion Testing
  • Li-ion Battery Performance Testing


  • Coatings
  • Battery Materials & Components
  • Sorbents
  • Automotive Fluids
Characterization Services

Characterization Services

The table below is a list of characterization services offered by NEI Corporation.

Information Provided
Mechanical Failure Analysis• Optical Microscopy
• Electron Microscopy
• Impact testing
• Adhesion testing
• Abrasion testing
• Fracture analysis and fractography
• Determine the adhesion of a coating to the substrate to evaluate if the coating delamination was within the specification
• Evaluate if the component or coatings can withstand the impact as reported
• Characterize if the coatings abraded at a higher rate than certified
Chemical Composition Analysis• X-ray diffraction
• FT-IR Spectroscopy
• UV-Vis Spectroscopy
• Electron Dispersive Spectroscopy
• Determine if a impurity phase or a presence of impurity element lead to materials failure
• Identify if the surface of the component is contaminated with an undesired impurity
Thermal Behavior Analysis• Thermal gravimetric analysis
• Differential Scanning Calorimetry
• High temperatures heat treatment
• Determine the thermal performance of the material to obtain the information if the material failed prematurely at elevated temperatures
• Determine if the material was able to withstand the elevated temperatures in specified atmosphere (vacuum, inert, reducing or oxidizing)
Battery Performance Testing• Cell testing
• Determine if the battery has capacity and cycle capability as specified by the manufacturer
Accelerated Corrosion Testing• Salt Fog and Electrochemical testing• Determine if the cause of failure of the material was due to undesired corrosion due to the failure of coating or other material properties
Accelerated Weathering Testing• Spray with Solar Eye Irradiance Control• Determine the performance of the coating in accelerated weathering test. For example effect of sunlight and rain on coatings applied on solar panels.
Metallography• Optical Microscopy
• Electron Microscopy
• To determine origin of fracture on a failed component.
Contact Us

Contact Us

Contact us for more detailed information on the background and experience of our expert witnesses in the technology or field of interest. All communications are kept confidential. Resumes / Curriculum Vitae (CV) available upon request.